What I'm Loving Wednesday
Happy Wednesday, my sweet friends! Halfway to the weekend, wahoo! :)
Here's what I'm loving today...
I'm loving that we leave for our PUR trip to Atlanta on Friday! Six Flags and Passion City Church, here we come! :)
I'm loving that I get to get a new iPhone 5 tomorrow and that I found a super cute teal Lifeproof case for it for nearly half the regular cost on Ebay. SO excited!
I'm loving that we had an awesome worship service at PUR last night. God is doing amazing things in this ministry for sure.
I'm loving that my mom and I bought new pillows from Bed, Bath, and Beyond. My old pillow was becoming flat as a pancake, haha. Hello good night's rest, I've missed you!
I'm loving that my girls finished their last summer volleyball practice out strong yesterday. Beyond excited for the season and to watch their awesome skills continue to improve!
I'm loving that I (hopefully) get to take nap today. I've been draggin' some this week and need a little boost, hehe!
I'm loving that mom and I get to keep the sweet babies in the nursery at church tonight. Love those cute kiddos!
I'm loving the cold coffee I had this morning. (It's so cool; it comes in a little packet, and you mix it with milk and ice. Then voila, yummy cold coffee... and WAY cheaper than Starbucks, hehe.) I know I said I try to avoid caffeine if I can, but man, it sure was yummy in my tummy today! :)
I'm loving that Chad gets to come over tomorrow night and that we are hopefully going to watch "Love and Honor." Love movie nights with him. :)
I'm loving the revelations The Lord has been showing me lately. So beyond excited for His perfect will and plan! What an awesome God we serve, y'all!
I hope you all are loving something wonderful on this beautiful Wednesday! I pray that you be blessed today and that you also be a blessing to someone else around you! :)

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