OCD? Neat Freak? Maybe a Little...
Well, I have to admit a problem to you guys. I have personally diagnosed myself with OCD when it comes to organization and cleaning....
Whew, glad I got that off my chest, haha. I mean the first step to solving any problem is simply admitting you have a problem right? :)
I've always been one of those kids (since like age 4) who lays out her clothes the night before for what she's going to wear the next day. I don't only lay out my clothes, but also my shoes, belt, jewelry, etc. Is that weird? Wait, you don't have to answer that. :) It definitely saves me a lot of time in the mornings so that I can sleep as long as possible (I love my sleep!).
I also pack my lunch the night before, and everything has to be separated into its own container or baggy. Funny story... this past semester for one of my education classes at South, we had to go to a middle school all day long and observe. When we were on our lunch break, about 7 of my college classmates and I were sitting around a table talking and eating our lunches. I just so happened to bring a salad that day, and I proceeded to take out my 52663789 different containers/baggies (filled separately with cheese, bacon bits, peppers, grilled chicken, and my dressing). Everyone else was just a talkin' while I did so, but when I finished making my salad, I looked up and they were all staring at me, haha. They were like, "How many different containers and baggies did you bring?" (Lol) OCD I know, but I totally don't like all my stuff to touch and get soggy before I eat it, ew.
Speaking of school, my planner is my best buddy when it comes to organization. Since I've been in college, I've treated myself to a new Vera Bradley planner each year. It's kind of expensive ($18) but totally worth it. I mean it has stickers, hello?! My classes, assignments, and tests are color-coordinated, and I feel a little anxious if I don't keep my school stuff up to date and easily accessible.
Now that you know a little about how obsessed I am with organization for school, why don't I tell you a little bit about my OCDness (like my new word? I made it up) when it comes to cleaning. Is it strange that I really like to clean? Okay, maybe I don't particularly like the process of cleaning, but I love when everything at my house is neat, organized, and in its rightful place. I joke with my mom that she's going to have to hire a maid when I move out, haha.
Love & Blessings,
Whew, glad I got that off my chest, haha. I mean the first step to solving any problem is simply admitting you have a problem right? :)
I've always been one of those kids (since like age 4) who lays out her clothes the night before for what she's going to wear the next day. I don't only lay out my clothes, but also my shoes, belt, jewelry, etc. Is that weird? Wait, you don't have to answer that. :) It definitely saves me a lot of time in the mornings so that I can sleep as long as possible (I love my sleep!).
Here's a picture of the makings of my salad today at work actually:
(That's strawberries, cranberries, pecans, some kind of crunchy salad topping, and raspberry vinaigrette dressing in case anybody cares, hehe.)
(My lettuce isn't as green as I like it to be, but we were at the end of the head of lettuce, so what can ya do, right?)
Isn't she a beaut?
Now that you know a little about how obsessed I am with organization for school, why don't I tell you a little bit about my OCDness (like my new word? I made it up) when it comes to cleaning. Is it strange that I really like to clean? Okay, maybe I don't particularly like the process of cleaning, but I love when everything at my house is neat, organized, and in its rightful place. I joke with my mom that she's going to have to hire a maid when I move out, haha.
Here's kind of a daily run-down of what I do to ensure that my OCDness is kept in check when it comes to cleaning. This is basically what I try to do each day:
(This was a Pinterest trick I tried out a while back to save space in my t-shirt drawers. It didn't last too long because it gave my t-shirts awkward fold lines, lol.)
7. Pick up random things around the house.
(Every time I walk by our couch, I have to fix the pillows if they are laying funky. My mom gets a kick out of my OCD tendencies, lol.)
So yeah, can't you tell that I'm weirdly obsessed with cleaning and organizing? I just feel that if my surroundings are in order, then my life will follow suit! Haha. Maybe some of you out there are OCD about some things, too. I sure hope so because I'll feel super nerdy if I'm all alone. :)
Happy Friday, friends! Have a blessed weekend! <3
Love & Blessings,
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