How Do We Pray God's Word?
I recently started a new Bible study by Beth Moore entitled "Living Free: Learning to Pray God's Word." Chad got me this and one other Bible study for Christmas (wonderful gift!). I am so excited to learn more and become closer to Christ through these studies.
I have done a couple other Bible studies by Beth Moore and even heard her preach at Passion in Atlanta this past January. She is AWESOME! She is such a fabulous teacher, and she explains things so well. She is definitely a woman after God's own heart, and I love having the opportunity to learn more through her teachings.
I have done a couple other Bible studies by Beth Moore and even heard her preach at Passion in Atlanta this past January. She is AWESOME! She is such a fabulous teacher, and she explains things so well. She is definitely a woman after God's own heart, and I love having the opportunity to learn more through her teachings.
I don't know if any of you are like me, but sometimes I find myself struggling a little bit in my prayer life. There are times (and I'm so ashamed to admit this) that I will be laying in bed at night getting ready to fall asleep, and I realize that I have not talked to my Maker even once the whole day. The One who laid down His life for my sins, and I don't give Him so much as a "Good morning, Jesus! Thank You for Your countless blessings in my life today." I mean really, Claire? C'mon now.
I think one of my main struggles is sometimes figuring out how to pray. Do we pray in thanksgiving? Do we pray to ask God for something? Do we pray to bring a need before Him? Do we pray for others to God? Well, I believe the answers to these questions are yes, yes, yes, and yes. Prayer is such an amazing opportunity for us to spend time with the One who created our very beings. I for one want to be so passionately and fervently in constant prayer with God that nothing can stand in my way of staying in communion with my Lord.
This is why I'm so excited to be diving into this new study because I feel that it is really going to help me regain my focus in my prayer life and help me learn the "how" part of praying.
So how do we learn to pray God's Word?
Beth Moore describes it as simply speaking His language. We don't need to waste time searching for a "formula" or a "right" way to pray God's Word back to Him. The process comes from what is in our hearts and on our minds.
She goes on to describe an approach which has worked tremendously well in her own life. She says that whenever you read your Bible, watch for passages to talk with the Father about. We should especially be on the alert for any Scripture that reflects the mind of Christ towards strongholds in our lives. When we are struggling with a specific issue, she notes that we should use a Bible concordance or a topical Bible resource to search for Scripture pertaining to our needs.
We should also ask God to guide us (Psalms 25:4-5) and to open our eyes to His Word (Psalms 119:18).
"Show me Your ways, Lord, teach me Your paths.
Guide me in Your truth and teach me, for You are God my Savior,
and my hope is in You all day long."
Psalms 25:4-5
"Open my eyes that I may see the wonderful
things in Your law."
Psalms 119:18
When a passage speaks to us, it's time to pray God's Word. We can reword the passage into a prayer in any way God leads us.
Here are some examples Beth Moore gives:
1. Restate God's truth, affirming your faith:
Father, thank You that You are always good and that Your love endures forever.
(1 Chronicles 16:34)
2. Talk to God about passages you don't understand:
Father, Your word says, "Whoever claims to live in him must walk as Jesus did"
(1 John 2:6). I know that I do not live up to that standard. Please help me
understand and walk like Jesus.
3. Ask God for what you need:
"I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!" (Mark 9:24).
4. Confess sin and ask God to change your life:
Father, I know that You hate pride and arrogance (Proverbs 8:13);
yet I see the ugly face of pride in my life. Teach me today to be
compassionate and humble (1 Peter 3:8).
5. Praise God with your paraphrase of the words of Scripture:
I know, Lord, that You are indescribably great. You are greater than all the
gods of this world (Psalms 135:5).
I hope this portion of the study has encouraged you as much as it has encouraged me. We must remember that through God's Word and prayer, we are equipped with divine weapons He has given us to demolish strongholds. Our goal should be abundant life in Christ alone.
What an amazing God we serve, y'all! :)
Love & Blessings,
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