Speak Life

Something has been weighing heavily on my heart this week. As we all know, the Iron Bowl happened last weekend. Now, before you stop reading this because you're tired of hearing people talk about that game or the two teams in general, bear with me.

I'm not sure why, but I have been so burdened this week by what this game has brought on. It's not because the team I root for lost; that is not it by any means. It's not because I'm mad at the other team for winning; that's not it either. I am burdened by what I have seen this game bring out in people (from both fan bases): the cursing, the negativity, the name-calling, bashing those who cheer for the opposite team, etc. I understand that a game between one of the biggest rivalries around in college football will bring out a little competition between fans, but honestly, how far is too far?

Now, I'm not going to lie and say I wasn't upset Alabama lost. Of course I was.. But, did my life end that day? Did that stop me from going on with my week? Of course not. That's just it though: I feel like we (myself included) get so caught up in things (like a football game) that we let it bring out the worst in us, and we let it distract us from the important things in life.

I have not even wanted to get on any social media this week because I am SO over seeing the hatred people have towards one another over a sport. Why do we get so caught up in things like this when there are so many other things around us that we should be focusing on? Trust me, I am preaching to the choir here, and I really just need a place to get my feelings out, so if you've made it this far in my post, I commend you, hehe.

But seriously, after the game last Saturday when I was feeling down and depressed about the outcome of the game (along with the other thousands of Alabama fans), I felt the Lord gently tug at my heart.That still small voice said, "Claire, in the midst of all the words you spoke today (football talk included), did you even once try to lead someone to Me?" I literally had the wind knocked out of me when I thought about this. If my main goal each day isn't leading someone to the Lord, what in the world am I doing? What is the point of all the petty things I get caught up in? My main goal and my main goal alone should be pointing others to Jesus with every word I say and with every action I do.

I love sports just as much as the next person, but after that game last weekend, I have seriously started reevaluating my priorities in life. Obviously I was upset Alabama lost, but if I am honest with myself, here's the question I should be asking: Do I get that upset when I see someone around me who doesn't know Jesus and who is going to suffer eternally in Hell unless they accept Christ as their Savior? Are my words and actions pointing them towards Jesus? Or are they pointing them away from Him? Wow... things just got real. Letting that sink in hurts my heart to the core.

This thought may have not crossed anyone else's mind, but it has been eating me up inside. Sunday at church, I broke down before the Lord at the altar. I cried out to Him because I want everything I do in life no matter how big or how small to honor and glorify His name and His Kingdom. Whether that's from my relationships with others, the words I say, the places I go, or the way I cheer for a football game, I want my life to be God-honoring. I also cried out for others around me; I so deeply want to see those who do not know the Lord enter a relationship with Him and experience the wonderful.awesome.amazing power of His love, grace, and mercy.

I can't even imagine how it must break our Savior's heart when He sees our negative actions and hears our negative words. And still, He loves us the same. He never falters in His love for us. A God like this is deserving of SO much more than we could ever offer up to Him. I am so thankful for His unending, eternal love for us and how He fully accepts us, flaws and all.

So, what's my point in writing all of this? My goal is to encourage you to begin speaking life into those around you. Don't let something like a football game bring out the worst in you. We have more power than we realize in the words we speak. Proverbs 18:21 says, "Death and life are in the power of the tongue; and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof." We literally can speak life or death into others, so I for one want to always speak life. Ephesians 4:29 also says, "Don't use foul or abusive language. Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them." I definitely want the things I say to encourage and build up those around me rather than discourage and bring them down.  

As I began typing this post, I was listening to Pandora on my phone when Toby Mac's song "Speak Life" came on. It could not have been better timing. I don't know why I was surprised though because God is always on time. But in the song, it says:

Some days, life feels perfect.
Other days it just ain't workin.
The good, the bad, the right, the wrong
And everything in between.

Though it's crazy, amazing
We can turn a heart with the words we say.
Mountains crumble with every syllable.
Hope can live or die

So speak Life, speak Life.
To the deadest darkest night.
Speak life, speak Life.

My prayer, my sweet friends, is that everything we say and do will be a reflection of the Lord's love for us. He has blessed us with SO much, and therefore, we should remember that we are called to speak life into those around us.

Love & Blessings, 


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