
I saw this cool "5,4,3,2,1" post floating around the blog world, so I thought it would be fun to participate in! :)

5 Things I'm Looking Forward To:
1. Walking in the Alzheimer's walk in honor of my sweet Grandma this Saturday in Pensacola with my awesome family. 
2. The new movie "God's Not Dead." It doesn't come out until Spring 2014, but I can't wait!! (Check out the trailer below.)
3. The Christmas Jubilee. My mom and I go every year, and I love browsing all the wonderful Christmas stuff with her.
4. The gender reveal of my future niece or nephew. Eeeekkkk, I still can't believe I'm going to be an AUNT! Yay!! :)
5. Celebrating my and Chad's 6 year dating anniversary in a few weeks! Been with that sweet boy since November 16, 2007. :))

4 Things You Might Not Know About Me:
1. I HATE conflict. I'm totally non-confrontational and avoid it if at all possible. 
2. I wish I could draw good. Bless my heart, I stink at drawing, haha. 
3. I'm organized to a fault sometimes. If things start getting out of order, I freak out a tiny bit inside, lol. I'm learning to relax a bit more though, so that's good. :)
4. My eyes twitch when I hear a loud noise. You should see me during a firework show when the boom goes off (I look like the pic below...lol). It's quite funny to witness, hehe.

3 Shows I love:
1. Full House. My ALL-TIME favorite! You just can't beat a night with the Tanners. 
2. Boy Meets World. I just love Cory and Topanga, haha. Can't wait for the sequel (Girl Meets World) to come out!
3. Dancing with the Stars. This is the only show I stay up to date with now and watch each week. My Monday nights from 7-9 are set. :)

2 Things That Frustrate Me:
1. Being late. I get SO frustrated when I'm late for something. I'm that lame person who arrives somewhere 15-20 minutes early out of fear of something happening to cause me to be late, haha. 
2. When Walmart does not have my cinnamon Life cereal in stock. They ALWAYS run out of it, so you have to get 2-3 boxes at a time if you want it, haha. It's my fave!

1 of My Favorite Words:
Swagger. I don't say this word often (lol), but when I do it's always "schwagga" instead of swagger, haha.

Hope you enjoyed, friends! :)

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