What I'm Loving Wednesday

Happy hump day, friends! Hope you're all having a blessed week so far. :) Here's what I'm LOVING on this last Wednesday in October... I'm LOVING that there's only 2 days until the weekend. YAY! Can I get an amen? :) I'm LOVING that we are beginning to experience some cool Fall weather. I'm ready for it to continuously stay cool (not too cold though). Fall is one of my favorite times of year: leaves falling, crisp air, hot chocolate, cozy fires, boots, scarves, and so much more. Speaking of boots, I'm LOVING the cute new boots I got this weekend. They're pretty adorbs if I do say so myself. :) I'm LOVING that I also found a super cute scarf for a whopping $2 this weekend. I was so pumped! I'm LOVING that I get to hang out with Chad later this week/weekend. With the craziness of school, I treasure the time I get to spend with him during the week. :) I'm LOVING that my awesome dad took my jee...