5 Lovely Blessings
I hope you all had a fabulous week and weekend, my friends! I've been slacking on posting my 5 lovely blessings each week. :( I let myself get too bogged down with school and life that I haven't been devoting enough time to expressing my thankfulness for all the awesome blessings in my life. Hopefully in the upcoming weeks, I can slow down enough to post them.
Here are my 5 lovely blessings of the week: :)
I'm thankful for...
1. Lafitte Baptist Church.
I absolutely love my home church! I love gathering together with family and friends to worship the one true God. God is doing some awesome, awesome things at Lafitte. People are accepting Jesus almost every week, and this year alone, more people have accepted Christ and been baptized than any other year at Lafitte. Such a blessing! Our youth group is continuing to grow, and a few weeks ago, we had 165 students from around our area for a night of worship and fun at a lock-in. I am so excited for the future of Lafitte, and I am so thankful for our amazing Lord! If you do not have a home church, we would love to have you at Lafitte! You can check out our website here: www.lafittechurch.org
2. My volleyball team.
I love my volleyball girls SO much! When I was hired as their coach last year, I never could have expected the amazing blessings these girls would be in my life. They bring so much joy to my life and SO many laughs! They are so silly, and I love being around them. :) They are doing great and continuing to improve each day. We are 4-0 right now, and I am very proud of all of their hard work.
3. My water bottle.
This may seem kind of silly... I know, hehe. But I really love my water bottle. I searched far and wide for a water bottle I could use each day (for working out, for practice and games, to take to school, to take in the car, etc.). My best friend Chelsea had this water bottle, and after seeing how cool it was, I just had to go out and get my own. I bought it at Bed, Bath, and Beyond back at the beginning of the year, and it's still holding up well. I've dropped it several times though, so I think I may invest in a monogrammed one pretty soon. :)
4. Watching Alabama football with my family.
I love Saturdays in the fall because it means I get to cheer on the Crimson Tide with family! We gather at one of our houses, eat lots of yummy food, and probably scream way too much at the football game, haha. My family is awesome and so much fun to hang around, so I'm definitely thankful for fun-filled Saturdays with them. :)
5. God's perfect will for my life.
Sometimes I let the unknown of the future get to me, but this week, I was reminded that the Lord guides every single one of our steps when we give our lives over to Him. I received such a blessing and conformation from Him that He is watching over me and that He has my future already planned out... And ya know what? I can't wait for what's in store because it's going to be EPIC! :))
What are you thankful for this week? Some amazing things I'm sure! I hope your week has been filled with countless lovely blessings!
Have a fabulous week ahead! :)

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