Letting Christ's Light Shine Through You

Have any of you ever thought to yourself or even said to a friend, "Man, this is a dark world we live in, huh?" I know I sure have, and the older I get, the more I realize that this a pretty messed world around us. All we have to do is turn the news on for about five seconds, and we can see just how crazy messed up things are. One question I think we all have probably thought at some point or another is this: Where is the light in this dark world? And what do we have to do to find that light? Well guess what, folks? If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, then the light is in YOU. Yes, you. :) I'm ashamed to admit this, but there have been times in my life where I have been afraid to stand out for my faith. I didn't want to be different from others around me, so I simply sat back and blended in with the crowd. But the older I get, the more my attitude about that is changing. Changing drastically. I want to be so consumed by the spirit...