Perfectionism Probs

Have y'all ever heard the saying that your biggest weakness is also your biggest strength, and vice versa? Let me share a personal story with you, and then I want to share some things the Lord has been working in my spirit lately. I've been a perfectionist for as long as I can remember. I recall this one time in K5 where I got a conduct mark for asking this boy, Hayden (who was adorable and had a Power Rangers lunchbox), in the lunch line if he would play with me on the playground that day. My teacher corrected me for talking out of turn, and I received a consequence; I was distraught. Do you hear me, people? Like cry-the-rest-of-the-day, absolutely-dreading-the-moment-my-Daddy-picked-me-up distraught. (Sweet Dad found it quite humorous and told me that it was all good and simply make a better choice tomorrow.) But to my little K5 mind, I was ruined forever and my spirit was crushed. That conduct mark would surely define me for the rest of my life, and my teacher would h...