The Process
You know one thing I don't have a lot of sometimes? PATIENCE. One of the biggest tests of patience I have ever had to experience was waiting to marry Chad. When we got engaged, we had been dating for six and a half years, and then we were engaged for another year. So for a total of seven and a half years, I waited to marry that sweet man. Now, given that we were only 15 years old when we started dating, I really do understand that it was very necessary to wait a while before tying the knot. Kind of hard to get married when you can't drive yourselves anywhere, ya know. I will never forget being in that waiting period though, and how my emotions could go from, "It's so good we are waiting to get married so that we are totally ready and prepared for all of life's obstacles. #patienceisavirtue" to "If we don't get married soon, I'M GOING TO HURT SOMEONE!! #futurebridezilla" I know, I know, I was a little violent back then. But ...