Passionate Pursuit
Before Chad and I got married and even as a young married couple, we have had folks (who totally mean well) say things like, "Oh, just wait a few years and you won't be all lovey-dovey anymore" or "Yeah, y'all are young and in love now, but just wait until you've been married for a while, it's all downhill from there."
Honestly, it was a bit discouraging because after dating for seven years before we got married, all Chad and I could think and dream about was how amazing marriage was going to be. We would always say things to each other like, "Man, these married people don't know how good they have it. They get to be with each other ALL the time, and they never have to leave one another. It's going to be AWESOME." (We were seriously over having to drive 40 minutes one way to each others' houses constantly... Ha!)
Hehe, we were stinkin' excited for marriage, but we couldn't wrap our minds around why so many marriages fail and why so many husbands and wives are unhappy. I mean, yeah, we were are still super young and certainly aren't experts at this awesome gift called marriage, but you know what, we do know the One who is perfect, and by His grace, we can and will have a Christ-like marriage. A marriage that has one goal and one goal alone: to passionately pursue Jesus with every facet of our beings and to reflect His love through this marriage He has blessed us with.
That's it, y'all. Simple as that. For a thriving, successful marriage: Passionately pursue Jesus and passionately pursue one another.
Does that mean we won't ever have any problems, trials, or tribulations in our marriage? No way, Hosea. But through our passionate pursuit of Jesus as a couple, we can be sure that we both will be ready and equipped to handle those trials with divine grace and humility and in a way that can show others that Christ can to turn our mess into a powerful message.
This is the thing... Too many people in our world allow the schemes of the enemy to dictate their hearts and lives, and unfortunately, people turn from Christ (and their marriages) due to Satan's tricks. Satan has one purpose: to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10). Marriage is a direct reflection of Christ's relationship with His Bride, the Church, so you better believe that Satan will target it first and foremost.
But, do you know what my favorite part of that verse is? Jesus speaks directly to us by saying, "But I have come so that you may have life and life more abundantly." Abundant life... That includes your job, your passions, in your friendships, in your relationship with Jesus, and absolutely in your relationship with your spouse.
Satan's goal is to get a foothold in your marriage. It may start off small, through arguments, disagreements, differences in opinions, etc. Then, he will try to use those small things, and he will turn them into bigger issues.
There is something we must grasp hold of though.... we are not in opposition with our spouse. We have to know who it is we are fighting against, and that is Satan. We are on our spouse's team - two are better than one, right? Amen and amen to that!
"A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken" (Ecclesiastes 4:12).
Triple-braided cord: Jesus, your spouse, you.
BOOM, Satan, no room for you. Buh-bye.
For almost the past decade, I have grown to truly know my sweet husband. Through friendship, through dating, through engagement, and now in marriage. Can I just say that I absolutely LOVE being married! Outside of my salvation, marrying Chad has been the most amazing decision I've made, like ever. I love being a student of marriage. I love learning what Chad loves, what he dislikes, how he likes his clothes folded (LOL), what food he likes, what shows he likes, what he's learning in Scripture, what he and Jesus talk about during his prayer time.
I love growing with Chad. I can honestly say that in our first year of marriage, we both have grown SO much closer to Jesus; we have grown exponentially in our Bible study and in our prayer lives. Has everyday been daisies and roses and lovey-doveyness? Again, no way, Hosea. But even on the hard days, you can still point your spouse to Christ - through a gentle answer, a simple hug or a sweet smile, and (at the top of the list) choosing to put him or her above yourself.
When we start seeing that it's not about our own happiness or satisfaction in marriage and that it's all about reflecting Christ's relationship with His Bride, the Church, that is when wonderful, amazing, earth-shattering, God-honoring, fabulous things start happening.
We aren't here to live easy-peasy lives just going with the flow and bouncing to the beat of our own drums. Because if we try to go with our own flow, we fo-sho will go with the wrong flow (Ask me how I know... hehe). My sweet friends, we were put on earth for the passionate pursuit of our Lord and the passionate pursuit to reach as many people as possible for His Kingdom so that they can join us in spending eternity in Paradise worshiping Jesus Christ in Spirit and in truth.
“You, God, are my God, earnestly I seek you; I thirst for you, my whole being longs for you, in a dry and parched land where there is no water" (Psalm 63:1).
I don't know about y'all, but that's what I want my marriage to look like. I want my marriage to look like Jesus. I want my heart and my life to look like Jesus. I want Chad's heart and life to look like Jesus. In five, ten, thirty, fifty, seventy years, I want others to be able to say, "Chad and Claire used every part of their lives and marriage to glorify Christ." And even more importantly, I want to hear "Well done, good and faithful servant" from my Jesus when I meet Him face to face.
Sweet friends, you and your spouse are a great team. Remember you are on the same team with the same purpose and the same goal. It doesn't matter whether you're dating, engaged, newlyweds, or have been married for 50 years. Your purpose is the same - passionately pursue Jesus and bring glory to His name. Don't let other people or the enemy speak differently into your lives. Your love for your spouse will never fade or wither when both of you seek first the Kingdom of God. Then, and only then, will everything else be added unto your lives.
"Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need" (Matthew 6:33).
Thank you, Jesus, for never giving up on us. Thank you that we don't have to be perfect for you to love us. Thank you that even on our worst days, you love us the same. You love us right now, right where we are: blemishes, trials, mess-ups, and all. Use our marriages and relationships for Your glory and Your Kingdom. Help us to speak life and not death over our spouses, friends, and lives. We long for a constant, consistent, and passionate pursuit and relationship with You.
In Your precious name I pray, Amen.
Love & Blessings,
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