Passionate Pursuit
Before Chad and I got married and even as a young married couple, we have had folks (who totally mean well) say things like, "Oh, just wait a few years and you won't be all lovey-dovey anymore" or "Yeah, y'all are young and in love now, but just wait until you've been married for a while, it's all downhill from there." Yikers... Honestly, it was a bit discouraging because after dating for seven years before we got married, all Chad and I could think and dream about was how amazing marriage was going to be. We would always say things to each other like, "Man, these married people don't know how good they have it. They get to be with each other ALL the time, and they never have to leave one another. It's going to be AWESOME." (We were seriously over having to drive 40 minutes one way to each others' houses constantly... Ha!) Hehe, we were stinkin' excited for marriage, but we couldn't wrap our minds around why s...