
Showing posts from 2017

Not Today Satan

Do you ever have those times where you feel like the enemy is constantly whispering lies into your life? Like, "Hey girl (or boy), you know you're not good enough, right? You're never going to accomplish what you've set out to do. You don't measure up. You don't belong. You've failed too many times. You'll never achieve greatness. Just quit. It's not worth it. You're not worth it." Blah blah blah blah lies lies lies lies.  I seriously can't stand Satan, y'all. Is that bad? Nah, because he's bad. He's deceitful. He's a liar. In fact, the Bible calls him the father of all lies. He has one goal and that is to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10). He aims every single day to tear us down, to destroy relationships, to make us feel unworthy and inadequate.  And I'm not okay with that. And neither is Jesus... because John 10:10 as mentioned above isn't finished at the steal/kill/destroy part. Jesus goes on ...

Speak to the Mountain

Sweet friends! Hi! It's been a while (like six months... yikes) since I've written a blog post, so I figured today is the day (yay)! There has been so much going on in life over the last six months, some things quite amazing and other things quite challenging. You know what, though, I kind of like the challenging parts of life. Ehh, that's kind of weird, right? Let me explain. Have you ever realized that the more challenging the obstacle and the bigger the mountain, the more satisfaction you receive and the more glory God receives when you (through Him) conquer it? Here's an example. I'm not a fan of long distance running. Okay, I hate it. There, I said it. There was a time as an athlete where I had to run two miles in under 16 minutes. That may seem like child's play to some of you, but it looked like Mount Everest to me. Try as I might, I crossed the finish line at 16:09, and I may or may not have passed out and spent an hour in the training room. I'...