Hello My Name Is...

Well hello out there! I have finally made the plunge into the wonderful world of blogging. I know, I know... you are all just as excited as I am. :) I have been wanting to start a personal blog for a while now, ever since I took EDM310 at South (which totally introduced me to all this cool blogger stuff). So why blogging you may ask? Well, I think it is for my own personal enjoyment and benefit more than anything. I love journaling about things going on in my life and taking pictures of anything everything, and I am so excited to be able to document it all in a fun, productive way. I'm kind of known as the photographer in my family (not because my pictures are good or professional like a real photographer, but because I follow everyone around and take pictures of them doing just about anything.) They are all like "Stop with all the pictures!," and in response, I'm all like "You'll thank me one day when you can't remember anything and all you have are m...